Q'uo - Three Dimensional Time
Published at : December 29, 2021
The request that has been made this evening is a layman’s discussion of the concept of three-dimensional time.
You dwell, in your meeting this evening, in a domicile that is rich in time. Although it has stood still in space, it has endured through many of your seasons and is full of years. It has not gained in size, yet it has gained in time. Each of you sitting within this circle has ceased to grow in the physical sense. The space which you occupy is that which you shall occupy insofar as your bony structure and your organs are concerned. It is within this instrument’s mind that poundage may be gained or lost, however, the point we are making is that as you dwell within your physical bodies in space/time, you dwell also in time/space, and as you grow more full in years, so you grow rich in time. This fullness of time is a characteristic of those who are seeking, and the sense of it and its wonder are most beneficial for the consideration of one who seeks the truth.
For more on q'uo check out llresearch.org
Alternate Universe Reality Activation get full access to new meditations, new lectures, recordings from the reality con and the 90 day AURA meditation schedule
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for a moment -amaranth cove
challenge - van sandano
sana van sandano
antidote x - van sandano
dharana - van sandano
stratosphere voyage -spirits of our dreams
when we were friends - amaranth cove
free form - amaranth cove
hidden imagination - amaranth cove
suppended belief - amaranth cove
infinite sustain - amaranth cove
luminary starscape - Cora Zea
Eskimo nebula - curved mirror
balance - amaranth cove
out of step - amaranth cove
ambien sun - cerulean skies
gordian knot - jakob ahibom
at the break of dawn - jkob ahibom
race against time - hampus naeselius
camion - valante
the ascension - hampus naselius
floating floating - august wilhelmsson
they came from the sky - august willjelmsson
All of the law of one episodes in one playlist https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKv1KCSKwOo9YW0EjSjbVh94EFlOU_Czw
The New Earth playlist - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKv1KCSKwOo9-0Ck27gj809pPpX9hN97q
All our Q'uo episodes - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKv1KCSKwOo-uVfs5ajSIibcwIt5jh4CU
For all episodes of the Reality Revolution – https://www.therealityrevolution.com
Like us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/The-Reality-Revolution-Podcast-Hosted-By-Brian-Scott-102555575116999
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Contact us at media@advancedsuccessinstitute.com
#quo #harvest #lawofone #ramaterial #newearth #dolorescannon #greatawakening
You dwell, in your meeting this evening, in a domicile that is rich in time. Although it has stood still in space, it has endured through many of your seasons and is full of years. It has not gained in size, yet it has gained in time. Each of you sitting within this circle has ceased to grow in the physical sense. The space which you occupy is that which you shall occupy insofar as your bony structure and your organs are concerned. It is within this instrument’s mind that poundage may be gained or lost, however, the point we are making is that as you dwell within your physical bodies in space/time, you dwell also in time/space, and as you grow more full in years, so you grow rich in time. This fullness of time is a characteristic of those who are seeking, and the sense of it and its wonder are most beneficial for the consideration of one who seeks the truth.
For more on q'uo check out llresearch.org
Alternate Universe Reality Activation get full access to new meditations, new lectures, recordings from the reality con and the 90 day AURA meditation schedule
BUY MY BOOK! https://www.amazon.com/Reality-Revolution-Mind-Blowing-Movement-Hack/dp/154450618X/
Listen my book on audible https://www.audible.com/pd/The-Reality-Revolution-Audiobook/B087LV1R5V
for a moment -amaranth cove
challenge - van sandano
sana van sandano
antidote x - van sandano
dharana - van sandano
stratosphere voyage -spirits of our dreams
when we were friends - amaranth cove
free form - amaranth cove
hidden imagination - amaranth cove
suppended belief - amaranth cove
infinite sustain - amaranth cove
luminary starscape - Cora Zea
Eskimo nebula - curved mirror
balance - amaranth cove
out of step - amaranth cove
ambien sun - cerulean skies
gordian knot - jakob ahibom
at the break of dawn - jkob ahibom
race against time - hampus naeselius
camion - valante
the ascension - hampus naselius
floating floating - august wilhelmsson
they came from the sky - august willjelmsson
All of the law of one episodes in one playlist https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKv1KCSKwOo9YW0EjSjbVh94EFlOU_Czw
The New Earth playlist - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKv1KCSKwOo9-0Ck27gj809pPpX9hN97q
All our Q'uo episodes - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKv1KCSKwOo-uVfs5ajSIibcwIt5jh4CU
For all episodes of the Reality Revolution – https://www.therealityrevolution.com
Like us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/The-Reality-Revolution-Podcast-Hosted-By-Brian-Scott-102555575116999
Join our facebook group The Reality Revolution https://www.facebook.com/groups/523814491927119
Subscribe to my Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOgXHr5S3oF0qetPfqxJfSw
Contact us at media@advancedsuccessinstitute.com
#quo #harvest #lawofone #ramaterial #newearth #dolorescannon #greatawakening

law of onebrian scottjim mccarty