New DLC REVEAL!– The Elder Scrolls Skyrim Anniversary Edition Creation Club Content Update!

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Published at : November 06, 2021

Bethesda just released yet another update on The Elder Scrolls Skyrim Anniversary Edition that revealed all the new creation club content DLC coming to Skyrim! This includes screenshots and Skyrim Anniversary gameplay details of each 26 new creation club DLC content that will be added to the game. We also get more details on all the new unique weapons, spells, unique armor sets from daedric to dragonbone, themed houses/ player homes, mounts and quest mods that will be included. The main two questions are The Elder Scrolls 3 Morrowind inspired Tribunal quest and The Elder Scrols Oblivion inspired Mythic Dawn questline where you venture into Oblivion. I’ll be breaking down each piece of new creation club content and what each one includes in this video. Bethesda have said that Skyrim Anniversary Edition will be an update to Skyrim Special Edition, it will also include all the creation club content orignally released for Skyrim SE like Survival Mode. The release date for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Anniversary edition is 11.11.21. But will this hold us over until The Elder Scrolls 6 release date or will we be getting any more Creation Club Content from Bethesda between now and then?

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➖ Time Stamps ➖
0:00 DLC Reveal Summery
0:45 1 Farming
1:45 2 Bow of Shadows
2:16 3 Fist Weapons
3:11 4 Deadric Quest
4:43 5 Headsmen’s Cleaver weapon
5:32 6 Vampire Player Home
6:16 7 Goldbrand Katana Weapon
6:56 8 Warrior Contest Quest
8:00 9 Necromancer spells & armor
8:52 10 Dwarven Player Home
9:18 11 New Staffs
9:51 12 Redguard Quests & Weapons
10:27 13 Mythic Dawn Questline
12:17 14 Morrowind Questline
13:25 15 Undead Dungeon
14:21 16 New Armor sets
15:12 New Details

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► CREDITS: A Special Thanks to my BIG Patron supporters:
Seven Fangs, LatorTazor, Abdubari, Rick M, Konna G
------------------------------------ New DLC REVEAL!– The Elder Scrolls Skyrim Anniversary Edition Creation Club Content Update!
skyrimskyrim updateskyrim anniversary edition