Let's Make AMPLITUBE 5 A Powerhouse Guitar Rig | Controlling Amplitube 5 Via Midi
Published at : November 20, 2021
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In this video I take an in depth look at how we can turn Amplitube 5 into a powerhouse guitar rig by controlling it via midi. The setup is very simple and the options are almost endless. I really hope you find this a helpful video for getting the most from your Amplitube software.
0:00 - Introduction
0:50 - My Midi Setup
3:11 - Switching Presets
6:12 - Bypassing FX
8:11 - Controlling a Wah Pedal
9:23 - Controlling Tap Tempo
10:33 - Controlling Parameters
15:30 - Conclusion
As always, thanks so much for watching...
Please visit my sponsors:
Line 6: http://www.line6.com
Vigier Guitars: http://www.vigierguitars.com
Mission Engineering: www.missionengineering.com
Morningstar FX: http://www.morningstarfx.com
Temple Audio: http://www.templeaudio.com
7% Off Your First Year Subscription: http://distrokid.com/vip/sadites
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Patreon: http://bit.ly/2B7aBmf
Facebook Music: http://bit.ly/2SgbGlr
Website: http://bit.ly/2WwEEwy
In this video I take an in depth look at how we can turn Amplitube 5 into a powerhouse guitar rig by controlling it via midi. The setup is very simple and the options are almost endless. I really hope you find this a helpful video for getting the most from your Amplitube software.
0:00 - Introduction
0:50 - My Midi Setup
3:11 - Switching Presets
6:12 - Bypassing FX
8:11 - Controlling a Wah Pedal
9:23 - Controlling Tap Tempo
10:33 - Controlling Parameters
15:30 - Conclusion
As always, thanks so much for watching...
Please visit my sponsors:
Line 6: http://www.line6.com
Vigier Guitars: http://www.vigierguitars.com
Mission Engineering: www.missionengineering.com
Morningstar FX: http://www.morningstarfx.com
Temple Audio: http://www.templeaudio.com

Jason Saditesvigier guitarsfractal