108: Tradition 11 - Public Relations Policy is Based on Attraction Rather than Promotion...(Sort Of)

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Published at : November 09, 2021

Tradition 11: Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion; we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films. We examine all the aspects of the 11th tradition. What does it mean to attract rather than promote? Does tradition eleven mean that we are not allowed to advertise? Our public relations groups have purchased billboard spots, placement on mass transit, and even spots on diner placemats, to name a few. Does this not violate the eleventh tradition? We explain the 12 step program stance on what promotion means, which is to make false claims or overstate what the program has to offer. Tradition 11 goes on to explain that while we try to remain anonymous at the level of press, radio and films as individual members, the 12 step program is not a secret society and is not anonymous in itself. We further examine how podcasting and social media fit into this tradition, both invented since the tradition was written, and not specifically addressed. Is the internet at the level of press, radio, and films? What are the dangers this tradition tries to keep us from? Join the conversation by leaving a message, emailing us at RecoverySortOf@gmail.com, or find us on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram, or find us on our website at www.recoverysortof.com.
Tradition 9 episode
Being of Service episode
Recovery Dharma episode 108: Tradition 11 - Public Relations Policy is Based on Attraction Rather than Promotion...(Sort Of)