Trump Refused Vegan Diet Because He Thought It Would Cause Brain Damage
Published at : October 08, 2021
According to Stephanie Grisham's new book, Donald Trump refused a challenge from a young man to go on a vegan diet for a month because he thought it would alter his body chemistry and destroy his brain cells. The challenge could have led to a million dollar donation for America's veterans if Trump had participated and completed it, but apparently those veterans aren't as important as Trump's ridiculously wrong beliefs. Farron Cousins explains what happened.
Link - https://www.rawstory.com/trump-vegan/
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*This transcript was auto-generated. Please excuse any typos.
According to Stephanie Grisham's new book called I'll take your questions. Now, there was an incident in the white house where Donald Trump was pushed by a young boy. The book describes who had been challenging. The president actually running ads and putting out billboards challenging the president of the United States, Donald Trump at the time to go on a vegan diet for one month. And if Donald Trump was able to sustain a vegan diet for one month, this young boy, the, the group that he was, you know, working with would donate $1 million to America's veterans, not bad. All you gotta do vegan diet. One month, 30 days, a million dollars towards America's veterans who are consistently overlooked in society. We do not treat our veterans very well here in the U S and I think we all know that, but Donald Trump, according to Grisham, was absolutely adamant that he was not going to go on this vegan diet because the book says Trump was worried.
It would screw with his brain, that it might somehow give him brain damage. If he went on a vegan diet, here's what the book claims. He said, no, no, it, it messes with your body chemistry, your brain. And if I lose even one brain cell we're EFT, is it because you only had one brain cell? Like, was that literally the last one alive in there? And you just couldn't risk chilling that too, with a vegan diet. Hey, listen, folks, let's get something very clear here becoming vegan, which full disclosure I'm not, but being a vegan does not change your body at a molecular level. It does not alter your DNA. It does not kill your brain cells. I don't even know where that came from. You know, sometimes it's really easy to debunk some of these idiotic right-wing talking points, but, but sometimes when they're so out of the box, like so outlandish, it's almost like you could just say no, because that's all you need to say, because he's so wrong here, but that doesn't feel like it's good enough.
Like no being vegan, doesn't kill your brain cells, but whatever the hell it is you're doing in your life, Trump clearly you're killing some, if you think that going vegan would kill them because that's not a normal thought to have people that have gone on vegan lifestyles, by the way, have experienced weight loss. You know, they've, they've got better heart function after cutting out meat and meat products. Yes. There's also some deficiencies. You know, you do not necessarily get as much protein you have to make up for that. Sometimes you have to take supplements to get other, you know, vitamins and nutrients that can only be found to me. People can live exceptionally healthy lifestyles going vegan. In fact, it's arguably healthier for the body to do that, and certainly cuts down on, you know, climate impact of what you're eating. So I don't know where Trump is coming from with this, but I can only assume that he was worried about losing even one brain cell, because that's all that was in there.
But again, I always like to point out this fact, this dude had the nuclear codes at any given point. He could have launched a nuclear strike and there's literally no one in this country. That's able to stop him, which by the way, we probably should do something about that. I know y'all tried to do it a couple times during the Trump administration limit their ability to do that. Now that Biden's president, you're not, but trust me, Biden's not going to be president forever. We're going to have a Republican again, and they'll probably be worse than Trump. So maybe let's get on that while you have these majorities. Republicans may even join you because they hate Biden so much. They'd love to take some power away from him. So please do that because I don't want somebody that's so dumb as to think that a vegan diet would kill their brain cells. I don't want that kind of individual to have the authority, to launch a nuclear strike without anybody there to be able to stop them.
Link - https://www.rawstory.com/trump-vegan/
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*This transcript was auto-generated. Please excuse any typos.
According to Stephanie Grisham's new book called I'll take your questions. Now, there was an incident in the white house where Donald Trump was pushed by a young boy. The book describes who had been challenging. The president actually running ads and putting out billboards challenging the president of the United States, Donald Trump at the time to go on a vegan diet for one month. And if Donald Trump was able to sustain a vegan diet for one month, this young boy, the, the group that he was, you know, working with would donate $1 million to America's veterans, not bad. All you gotta do vegan diet. One month, 30 days, a million dollars towards America's veterans who are consistently overlooked in society. We do not treat our veterans very well here in the U S and I think we all know that, but Donald Trump, according to Grisham, was absolutely adamant that he was not going to go on this vegan diet because the book says Trump was worried.
It would screw with his brain, that it might somehow give him brain damage. If he went on a vegan diet, here's what the book claims. He said, no, no, it, it messes with your body chemistry, your brain. And if I lose even one brain cell we're EFT, is it because you only had one brain cell? Like, was that literally the last one alive in there? And you just couldn't risk chilling that too, with a vegan diet. Hey, listen, folks, let's get something very clear here becoming vegan, which full disclosure I'm not, but being a vegan does not change your body at a molecular level. It does not alter your DNA. It does not kill your brain cells. I don't even know where that came from. You know, sometimes it's really easy to debunk some of these idiotic right-wing talking points, but, but sometimes when they're so out of the box, like so outlandish, it's almost like you could just say no, because that's all you need to say, because he's so wrong here, but that doesn't feel like it's good enough.
Like no being vegan, doesn't kill your brain cells, but whatever the hell it is you're doing in your life, Trump clearly you're killing some, if you think that going vegan would kill them because that's not a normal thought to have people that have gone on vegan lifestyles, by the way, have experienced weight loss. You know, they've, they've got better heart function after cutting out meat and meat products. Yes. There's also some deficiencies. You know, you do not necessarily get as much protein you have to make up for that. Sometimes you have to take supplements to get other, you know, vitamins and nutrients that can only be found to me. People can live exceptionally healthy lifestyles going vegan. In fact, it's arguably healthier for the body to do that, and certainly cuts down on, you know, climate impact of what you're eating. So I don't know where Trump is coming from with this, but I can only assume that he was worried about losing even one brain cell, because that's all that was in there.
But again, I always like to point out this fact, this dude had the nuclear codes at any given point. He could have launched a nuclear strike and there's literally no one in this country. That's able to stop him, which by the way, we probably should do something about that. I know y'all tried to do it a couple times during the Trump administration limit their ability to do that. Now that Biden's president, you're not, but trust me, Biden's not going to be president forever. We're going to have a Republican again, and they'll probably be worse than Trump. So maybe let's get on that while you have these majorities. Republicans may even join you because they hate Biden so much. They'd love to take some power away from him. So please do that because I don't want somebody that's so dumb as to think that a vegan diet would kill their brain cells. I don't want that kind of individual to have the authority, to launch a nuclear strike without anybody there to be able to stop them.

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