These are dangerous times Chosen ones |know how to navigate this timeline

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Published at : October 05, 2021

These are dangerous times Chosen ones |know how to navigate this timelineJoin the star seed community :
Hallo star seeds, welcome back to another video. We are leaving in a tough and dangerous timeline. Knowing how to steer through this period, will help you to survive before we reach the end of this tunnel. Many people are experiencing different forms of adversities as the global awakening keep increasing every second of the day. the world seems to be lurching from one crisis to another. We have experienced a global pandemic, dramatic changes to how we conduct our daily lives, economic uncertainty, and political and social turmoil, as well as an array of natural disasters. Then there are personal traumas that people are also dealing with, such as the loss of a loved one, declining health, unemployment, divorce, violent crimes, or tragic accidents.

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