Rishi Sunak vows to freeze HGV tax and ease fuel crisis with temporary visas

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Published at : October 29, 2021

RISHI Sunak today vowed to ease the fuel crisis with temporary visas and a freeze on HGV tax.

The Chancellor admitted it was "irresponsible" to think the supply issues could be resolved overnight, but insisted "we will act" to get things back to normal as soon as possible.

Mr Sunak revealed the plans as part of his autumn 2021 Budget to protect hard-up families this winter while still balancing the books after Covid.

He said: "We've already suspended the HGV levy until August and I can do more today - extending it for a further year until 2023, and freezing Vehicle Excise Duty for heavy goods vehicles."

Speaking in more detail about the plans, Mr Sunak said: "Having been shut down for almost a year, it takes time for factories to scale up production, for container ships to move goods to where demand is, for businesses to hire the people they need.

"And global demand for energy has surged at a time when supplies have already been disrupted, putting strain on prices.

Read our Budget 2021 live blog for live updates

Read more:

Rishi Sunak vows to ease fuel crisis and supply shortage with temporary visas & freeze HGV tax

Budget 2021 LIVE – Rishi Sunak speech reaction and what minimum wage, beer and wine duty, & pension changes mean for YOU

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#RishiSunak #Budget #Budget2021 #FuelCrisis Rishi Sunak vows to freeze HGV tax and ease fuel crisis with temporary visas
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