Oxygen Not Included #32 - Puft Plan - Accept Every Dupe Challenge

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Published at : October 13, 2021

I challenge myself to accept every duplicant (up to 100) in the new Solar Swamped Oxygen Not Included Update.

The rules

- each time the portal is ready accept a dupe (until 100 dupes)
- never accept a care package (until 100 dupes)
- try not to lose any dupes
- I may go over 100 dupes if the lag isn't too bad

In this episode:

0:00 Intro - More Oxygen
4:30 Salt water for 3 oxygen setup
10:30 Trying out the rocket telescope
15:45 More Slicker ranches
19:38 More toilets
29:11 Plan for Pufts
1:01:43 Where did they go?

Thank you to everyone who donated to the charity event. $1000 USD was raised for the World Food Program.

This is part of a playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHw_EJXYsdHiFzRKxxwXdXKbMYlowX3DD

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Update from Klei:

Today we’re launching the Rocketry Renovation Update for Spaced Out!

This update mostly focuses on improving the rocketry experience, with some exciting new renovations you can add to your spacecraft. The full patch notes are listed below, but here are a few of the most notable changes:

Liquids and gasses can now be piped directly in-to and out-of Spacefarer Module interiors. This also means that fluids can be vented into space if a pipe is active while the rocket is in flight. This feature is available in all newly built Spacefarer Modules.

The new Wall Toilet building allows Duplicants to flush their waste directly into the world behind the toilet seat. No outbound plumbing required! This building must be built against a wall and requires clear space (or the vacuum of space) behind the wall to vent to.

The Ladder Bed is a tileable sleeping arrangement with a low quality ladder attached to the front. Several beds can be stacked together to create a vertical dormitory in tight spaces. Duplicants don’t appreciate others using the ladder while they’re trying to sleep though.

Stranded rockets can now be evacuated using the “ABANDON SHIP” sequence. This will cause the rocket to explode. Any Duplicants on board will be launched towards the nearest discovered asteroid in a high speed Escape Pod. Some of the resources aboard will follow in the form of Spacecraft Debris.


Spaced Out! only
Rockets can now be self-destructed via the “ABANDON SHIP” UI button. Any Duplicants on board will be blasted towards the closest planetoid in an escape pod, along with a portion of the materials from the rocket.
Added Wall Toilet building
Added a Ladder Bed building
Added Rocket Interior Ports to allow for directly piping gas and liquid into the rocket interior. Existing rockets will need to be rebuilt to make use of these.
Gasses and Liquids can be vented to space using rocket interior ports while the rocket is in space.
Changes & Improvements

Duplicants wearing suits are once again able to use hand sanitizer stations/sinks.
Resized Hand Sanitizer building from 2x3 to 1x3 and updated art accordingly.
The Vending Machine is now demolishable by Duplicants with the Demolition skill.
Refrigerators ignore small masses when deciding to enter energy saver mode.
Clarified language in fabricator side screen’s "no discovered recipes" text.
Spaced Out! Only
Updated Starmap “half revealed hex” art.
Updated Temporal Tear Opener animations to include radbolt port cover
Updated the starmap’s temporal tear opening animation.
Duplicants now play the construction multitool animation when emptying Interplanetary Payloads.
Adjusted the way ships/payloads on the starmap are positioned when there are lots in the same hex.
Some artifacts now include additional lore text when viewed at the Artifact Analysis Station.
Refrigerator now cools food while rocket control restrictions are applied.
Duplicants are now required to exit through the spacecraft door when deploying to Trailblazer modules.
Increase the number of background orbiting objects while a rocket is at a Space POI.
Updated Trailblazer Lander’s descent animations.
Trailblazer Lander now visible on clustermap during deploy/landing
Added more artifact lore.
Added tooltips to empty & undiscovered space map spaces.
Added Trailblazer Lander’s landing sound.
Added rocket location sensor sound.
Added Starmap rocket launching and landing sound.
Added music stinger and fx sound to the Artifact Analyzed popup menu.
Added reverb effects to spacefarer module interiors. Oxygen Not Included #32 - Puft Plan - Accept Every Dupe Challenge
oxygen not includedgrindthisgameoxygen not included grindthisgame