When KOKOMI Mains Compare Their DPS To The Internet KOKOMI...

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Published at : September 28, 2021

Sauce: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Qv41137fm
Sauce2: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1s34y1D7nM
I Have already seen Sangonomiya Kokomi on the internet especially on CN Server Bilibili, their DPS without crit was amazing, somebody reach 1 million damage but with twist of course, probably an F2P Players Kokomi with Freemogems or Free Primogems only can't do that thing, especially my kokomi. With this kind of situation miHoYo probably won't release weird scaling unit character next time, because Kokomi is like a meme right now

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#GenshinImpact #원신 #原神 #ГеншинИмпакт #UndiscoveryCh #Kokomi When KOKOMI Mains Compare Their DPS To The Internet KOKOMI...
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